Thursday, December 15, 2011

Question for Thursday and Friday .............

Today's Question is real simple, but may offer insight for those on the fence when ending a relationship.
Our question today is ................

When in a relationship, whether marriage or just dating long term, when did you know it was over? How long did it take for you to accept this fate and truly move on?

This question has been sent to me many times in many different forms, so I felt today was the day to really get the opinion of our bloggers. Give us your true opinion, let me hear your hearts!

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach,  Motivational Relationship Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater


  1. I knew my marriage was over when my wife and I could no longer communicate, be intimate and finances wasn't enough to satisfy her. Both of us showed intolerance toward each other, but the kids kept us passing time and became obvious we needed to move on.

  2. For me, it has been the realization that there was a loss of mutual respect and discovery that we really did not like each other. It has taken way too long to realize it but I am now absolutely ready to move on to find someone that I can respect, love and trust to be the leader of the home. When each person in a relationship understand their place as well as their mates, it can be the makings of a peaceful household and an everlasting love.

  3. Byron, Cindy,
    Thanks for giving us a view from the top. I am sure people understand it's over at different times. They will know for years but acknowledge it when it's right for them. For me, I stay for a very long time, trying to get everything out of a relationship, in essence suck it dry! Why you ask, because at the end of the day, I don't want there to be any question of IF I will ever reenter it....."I NEVER GO backwards. I am in agreement with my other subject; when it's over, it's over and we shall always respect each other's wishes. I think its best that way when it is proclaimed DONE.

    H. Williams, MBA
