Saturday, November 26, 2011

Continued for Monday 28 Nov 2011 ..........

I wish they all could be "California Girls!"  This question defines the differences in cultures and what I would say, "differences in location as well!" My friend from California says, "All I want is a connection with another person! Something rewarding, either "man or woman!" Today's Question is ........

Is it possible to seek a new relationship without a clear direction? I mean, is it just the 21st century or what? All she seeks is a connection! Give me your thoughts. Do you think she will be happy with either a man or a woman or  will she lack something that one or the other can provide? 

Let's dissect this one bloggers and at the end, (or sometime this weekend) I will have her chime in with her true feelings! Let ME hear ya. She is the "J. Cali" Syndrome. (LMAO)

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday's Question of the Day .............

Today is Friday, so let's keep it simple .... Today's Question is .....

Have you ever caught your man/woman cheating? You had all your facts; or they were caught almost in the act!  Did they lie or come clean?  Explain ...........! 

I was speaking to one of our bloggers about this in a personal counseling session and I told her I would bring this question forward to see if she is alone or if this happens more than we care to speak about. Later, I will explain her situation.

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving To all.......Question of the Day ......

Keeping with the tradition of the holiday, Let's make today's Question a bit fun. This has actually happened, especially to Men! 
Today's Question is .....................

Have you ever dated more than one person at the same time, and had to decide who's Holiday Festivities to Attend?

You may find this ironic, but it happens to MEN all the time. This is what separates the men from the Boys. You can cheat, but the HOLIDAYS get you every time because your mate always expect you to be there! 

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday Question From a BLOGGER .........

Today's Question was completely written by one of our Bloggers!

Ladies, with the total honesty of your soul, please speak up. Today's Question is ...........

Do you or have you ever sacrificed your own sexual pleasures to spare the feelings of your mate because he can't get you to that orgasmic place? If that answer is yes, do you secretly pleasure yourself? I also need to know, what's the reason you are not being honest with him about "NOT" getting your jollies too?

As a Blog Administrator, I try to always allow the masses to be heard. One of our ladies was passionate about this question and wanted to get the honest opinion of others. With that, Laissez les bons temps rouler! (Let the Good times Roll)

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach,  Motivational Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday's Question of the Day .......... Don't Forget to JOIN the Blog Site!!

Today is Self-Evaluation Day !!!
Take a look in the Mirror and Examine what you see.  Today's Question is ............

Are you a Damn Good Woman? -  Are you a Damn Good Man? Forget your indiscretions, Are you the perfect mate for someone else?

Tell me about it.... I call it the "M. E." Syndrome! Do you have everything going for you and that PERFECTION intimidate the right person from coming into your life? (I'll explain "M.E." Syndrome later)

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater 
Follow us on Twitter

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday's Question of the Day ..........

To all of my amazing bloggers, thanks for a great weekend of exceptional thought and sharing. Whenever I get a question that I feel will provoke idea exchanges, I try my best to bring it forward! My email address at the bottom of the page invites you to share your ideas. With that, today's question is ...........

"Does having sex HAVE to be a clear sign of connection OR, can the act be like riding a bike; something recreational? What's the Norm, and why?"

I've had both, sex for clear connection and intimacy for recreation, and as I get older, my mind says I value friendship more than I love someone who loves ME........! (Figure that out!) I'll explain later.

A blogger's mind is a sharing tool and (she) wanted all of us to help with her dilemma.

H. Williams, MBA 
Life Coach, Motivational Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater
Follow me on Twitter