Thursday, January 12, 2012

Question of the Day...... Thursday and Friday ..........

The Mighty Clouds of Joy said it best when they sang "I've Been in the Storm.......Too Long!" It's an old Gospel song, but let's make it relevant today! Today's Question is ...................."

Is it EVER OK to go back to a relationship/marriage that you previously left, and try it again? Why or Why Not?

There are a couple of people on my "life coaching" list that are currently pondering this question. With total anonymity, I share this with the blog to seek different perspectives from the masses. Let us hear your voice!

H. Williams, MBA 
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker, 
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday - Tues - Wednesday ----- Question to Ponder ......

Love and the purpose of a committed relationship is a good thing. Often times when we find it, the acceptance gives your core a warm and secure feeling. With that thought in mind, today's Question is.......
In your best explanation possible, what gives you a warm and committed feeling for another human being? What makes you feel safe when a sincere connection is made?

Take us to the depths of your mind, take us to your water, then allow us to drink. Tell it only the way YOU can about Self; We're waiting!!! 

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater