Friday, November 2, 2012

How STUPID can we be......! Our Question of the Day.

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Mr. Anatomy,
I am probably one of the few men that have read your book and agree with the hunger of men and their obsession to cheat. Why is it we have to have things that are totally off limits to us? You said it best when you said a man knows exactly what we want from a woman when we meet them for the first time. I am married, and have been for 17 years. My wife and I have had our ups and downs but through it all, we have continued to make it and forge ahead. About 4 months ago, my wife's best friend moved in with us after leaving her husband in California. She came back down south to get back on her feet. She and my wife were childhood friends but her friend wears it a lot better than my wife does. Looking at her, I see what my wife use to look like 10 years ago and 50 lbs lighter. The best friend and I have been sleeping with each other for 2 months non stop and I feel this is getting out of control. The problem is, my wife's friend says if I stop sleeping with her, she is going to tell my wife about everything and then will come on to her too. She says my wife was a freak back in college and they shared very intimate moments back then and she thinks she can stir those feelings back up with my wife if I stop sleeping with her! My Question is ..........

"What the hell have I gotten myself into. Like you asked of "Diamond" in your book, is this lady the devil? It seems I can't stop this even if I wanted to."

Sir, you have definitely gotten yourself in some deep quicksand and the more you wiggle, the more you sink. However, you've come to the right place. My bloggers and I will help you steer clear of this mess. From hence forward, your blogger name is Mr. Scared because she definitely has you on the run. Please stay available to answer any questions my bloggers may have. 

Hurchel Williams, MBA 
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater (send US your Questions anonymously) (purchase OUR merchandise) (visit OUR website) (follow US on Twitter) (like US on Facebook)
Send Your Friend Request to: "Author Hurchel Williams (MrAnatomy)on Facebook.


  1. I have two scenerios, (1) Tell the wife everything! Be real honest and upfront, I mean, bear you soul to her! (2) the same as #1,BUT, take the friend up on her geTting with the wife, see if that would be something she would be interested in, but show up while its going down! -t will cause in instant spark in the bedroom for you two (you and wife) and then the both of you can tell that trollop to get lost! 4he's no longer a childhood friend but a grown-up tramp and sad miSerable person and sad to say, you're just a man with a c@ck. At this point, hell, you can't lose with either option.

  2. Smdh and men wonder why women start dating each other! Lol

  3. well i think you must stop & decide what's important to you. first of all your wife will be pissed off either way, but if you every wanna kept what the two of you have. you need to come clean. Her friend has drwan you into this game where she is the puppet master pulling the strings. Both of you violated your wife's trust by cheating on her. then you did it with her best friend. If she loves you & thinks it can still work you two can move past this. But you gotta fight for her, fight for her forgiveness & truly mean your sorry. both of you should cut off all ties with her friend. come clean because if you dont she will use that agaisnt you everytime. She's blackmailing you. maybe you can save your marriage if not this will be a hard lesson you just learned

  4. From the post, how do U know your wife hasn't been sleeping with her bestfriend n using those same threats against her so she can be with her. Ya'll may as well have a threesome smh....

  5. This is a sad state of affairs. Why can't men just keep their "anatomy" in their pants? I mean really man, the best friend? When the lady moved in, did your tongue go out and your tail start to wag right away? I just don't understand why men can't practice self control. Must you always stick something somewhere. I am with Patricia, ya might as well just bring everyone together and get it on. Lynsi, you are so damn right, and for this reason, I am NOT dating anyone right now. Is anyone faithful these days? Mr. Anatomy, I don't know what you will say about this one, but I am sooooo waiting to hear your professional opinion and see who you point the finger at and how you solve this one. Poor wife, she is being betrayed by her friend and husband. If you told me and I was the wife, I would clean house and put everyone out, quick!
    White Chocolate - Montana

  6. 1st you and your wife should have never moved another grown azz adult into your house. You were both asking for trouble. Move her friend right back out. Tell your wife, let her know she is trying to blackmail you. If it goes any further, threaten to sue the friend. If the woman fulfills her threat of taking your wife. Let her and let them both move out together. Make her prove it if either of them try to use it against you, but end it now. And tell your wife everything even how you fell about her.

  7. Mr. Anatomy, thank you for using my question for your blog. For the ladies, I am not going to allow this lady to be with my wife. That is not what I seek. Yes, I am wrong for what I did, but it wasn't meant to be anything but harmless sex once or twice. I don't know how we got to doing it as much as we did, but I think it's because she was emotionally drained from her separation from her man. I can't take back what I did, but I can stop it from happening. I love my wife and what I did was just sex. This ordeal has taught me how much I love my wife and how important she is to me. Her best friend just wants to gain the upper hand with her threats. My main concern is making sure my wife is not hurt or involved in some sick sex plot with the best friend. There is no need for that.

  8. Sounds like the whole family needs Jesus! If you tell the wife, be prepared for possible divorce and potentially losing half of whatever assetts you'll have together. But, if you don't tell the wife, be prepared to live a guilt-ridden life, imposing your guilt on her, as people tend to do when they are the one's cheating or have cheated. Counseling may be in order here. As far as the best friend, kick her out of the house and deal with the consequences like a man, after all, you made this bed, right? If your wife reverts back into lesbianism then you have two choices...leave the situation or the more than likely alternative...join in!

  9. ok you said it was just were you not getting that same sex from your wife by your account isnt as in shape as her bff or doesnt look as young as her either....sounds like you were attracted to her n wanted the best of both of them until the bff threw you a curve ball. so y cant your wife play too. why are you able to have all the fun. you can admit yoyr mistake to your wife but i suggest the friend be put out first.

  10. Oh wow, U aren't going to allow this lady to be with your wife. While U had your cake n ate it 2! My thoughts.. U better search around your house 4 an unrecognized dildo ... IJS.. U knew that lady was probably vunerable n now U say harmless sex? Dude U have lost your *&$*$$#*#* mind! That lady had told U she's bi sexual U better look for toys dude cuz I do believe its more to this story.... How U gonna feel if they are sleeping together?

  11. If your main concern was not to hurt wife you wouldn't have cheated on her! "Harmless sex." .... If it's so harmless why wouldn't you let your wife be with her if that's what she chose to do? SELFISH ASS

  12. Do U even work? Where are U finding all this time for bumping n grinning? Probably all up in your bed n U think that smell isnt in your house? Ohhhh karma....

  13. Not only will your wife have trust issues now and feelings of betrayal from both ends, but now she has to go the doctor to make sure she doesn't have an STD...What an unnecessary inconvenience! UGH...freakin selfish bastard! Can somebody say Laraina Bobbitt??? Who's with me???

  14. See, what you all not gonna do is make this a big joke. You ask why can't my wife have fun, because I don't want that type of activity for her, that is why, Ms. Patricia. Yes I work, Ms. Patricia, I am an Executive and when we have time, I come back home while my wife is working. She often works out of town for a few days a week and that is how we found the time. I know what I have done is wrong, I am not looking to be executed my lethal injection, I just think this has gone on long enough and what started out as a little sex, has escalated to something bigger than I thought it would. My wife doesn't deserve to be hurt and I know she ain't into female sex no more. Anyway, I asked for a man's point of view, where is Mr. Anatomy and when do you show up. Most of y'all sound thirsty and while you judging me, you probably some man's concubine yourself. It was Just sex Lynsi so there was nothing to be selfish about. I am trying to protect her from this evil trick because this lady done lost her damn mind. How the fuck you gonna threaten me when she was your friend before she was my wife!!! Kimberly, sorry, no divorces this way, I promise you!

  15. @ Sherita Miller you have me over here cracking up ...

  16. Told him there's an unrecognized dido somewhere in his house haha

  17. Well you fukked your own self off pardna! You get what you get because you made the decision to get in this mess. You have no safe way out, you just need to file for divorce and go your own separate way sir.

  18. Guess he's looking for it now..LET ME HELP U OUT BRU, Look in her shoe boxes, or that cloth that its wrapped in way to the back under the dresser, hell wait her best friend has it with her things. Whew lawdd U are sooo screwed!

  19. Brandy im cracking up cause this fool really think HE the only cheater!!! ole girl put her hand in the girlfriends pocket "first night " he Johnny cum later!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

  20. You're right, your wife does not deserve to be hurt! The fact that you don't think that you've already done that is absurd. Regardless of what your wife chooses to do with the information, you need to come clean. It's never just sex when you are involved. If it were, you wouldn't care who your wife wasn't intimate with. You obviously have some growing up to do.

  21. Just alittle sex, ehy can't U see thats so wrong? Thirsty I've been married for many many yrs, 5 children , dog n all. I'm good no side kick needed n d***neighbors sure wouldn't be dumb enough to do so with a bff!How do U think U are going to protect her when U are the very one who will be the reason for her pain? If U would've kept thinking with your heart that U say loves your wife n not your d***neighbors U wouldn't be in this situation.

  22. Hurchel always allows his bloggers to comment then he chimes in on the end..

  23. Dear Mr. Scared,
    First and foremost, I always take my time to get a better understanding of where my bloggers are taking you. They are the reason this blog is successful, not me. I merely give you my assessment to sum up what has typically already been said. So please, if you bring us your dilemma, be strong enough to handle the advice that is given. I am the first to tell you, my blog is 95% women all the time, so you have to understand their passion behind what they do. To them, you could be married to their sister, neighbor, or another family member so they will never "take it easy" to save your feelings! That is just not how they are structured. Now, with all that said, you are in deep "doo-doo" with no clear end in sight. I always tell men that cheat, if you are man enough to get a little, be man enough to handle the backlash because if something goes wrong, it's coming! Your best resource is other women who have been through it and when I say I have a cast of "No Nonsense" women, OMG, you've come to the right place. So instead of getting angry, embrace what they have to tell you because they know because they have gone through it. To stop all of the back and forth, and threatening behavior from your house-guest, tell your wife. Like some have said, she may already have an idea. You remember the movie Jackie Brown with Samuel Jackson? Well, if so, Sam knew that Melanie would have sex with the other character played by Robert De niro. Samuel Jackson said, "Did you F*%K Melanie? And Robert said Yea, how did you know?" Samuel simply said, "because I can always trust Melanie to be Melanie!" Enough said! Tomorrow, based on what your reply is, I will have more to say!
    Mr. Anatomy = Hurchel Williams, MBA

  24. I say for those who can own up to the truth but aren't strong enough to face ur mate...use this as learning tool. If u cant face ur mate with what u did because u know they will be hurt disappointed and feel unworthy, then u should know ur actions were wrong and selfish! Would u be able to deal with all the pain u could cause another person?
