Friday, February 17, 2012

Bigger is Beautiful, Right? Weekend Scramble .....Question of the Day...

Mr. Anatomy,
I am a larger woman who have my sights set on a guy who, I think, normally dates smaller women. I think I have all the moves of the next lady, and the looks too but often times my confidence isn't always there. My Question is .......

IF a man normally dates smaller, more defined bodied women, will he change his taste and date a larger woman? 

I honestly believe this is a really good question. I have known this to be the case in several situations and I look forward to the feedback. Let me hear you bloggers!

Hurchel Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater    (send US your Questions)   (follow US)   (like US)  (purchase OUR merchandise)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chase the World, not the Girl...Tues ~ Wed ~ Thur...Question of the day

Mr. Anatomy, 
You never have "man questions" so I hope this gets posted. I have a problem with being alone. I have been a "sex fanatic" for years, but now I think I want to settle down and be with one lady. The problem is, I keep meeting women and it's not until after I sleep with them, I know whether I like them or not! If I don't like them, they have to leave immediately. If I do like them, I want to be around them and make them special. Problem is, there are few special ones, and more sex partners.  My Question is .......

How do I break the bad habit of wanting to be intimate with all the "Hott" women I meet?

Mr. "Man Whore," the term is Monogamy.....and I have several questions for you myself, so I will select your question. I have been where you are going and the ride comes with a lot of discomfort until such time "your plane" lands! Let's let the bloggers dance before I comment! Have fun everyone! 
Hurchel Williams, MBA 
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater  (Send US your Questions)   (buy OUR merchandise)