Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Things "We Do!" Sat ~ Sun ~ Monday....Question of the Day ......

When in a relationship, often times both parties do and say things to express themselves and make their counterpart feel a certain way. With that in mind, let's explore those 3 magical words. Today's Question is.........?

Why do we say "I Love You" to someone we are in a relationship with when it's clear we don't? I mean, granted, we may have a strong liking, but LOVE, come on ...... you just met them on Tuesday and this is Friday !!!!

Talk to me people. What triggers these false feelings so early after meeting another person? I just wanna know, talk to me, and explain why?
Hurchel Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Question of Judgement ...... Wed - Thurs - Friday's Question of the Day

When you are dealing with the truth of someone's past, is it right to judge them? Often times I speak in riddles or even in poetic review in a means to garner a stronger understanding. My weekend shook me at my core, "Homelessness now has a face" so today's Question is.....

If my heart was Gold, but tarnished along the Way, are you telling me it can't be polished for the future, in an effort to change my life for a better Day ? 

This speaks to the propensity of others to judge you because of your past. Until you walk a mile in someone's shoes, don't judge them. Underneath, they are the same as they have always been. Whether homeless, disenfranchised, or just on hard times! 

Hurchel Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Different Direction ......... A Question of Sincere Pain of Others ........

Today will take us off guard, just as the situation caught me off guard. I was sitting in a coffee shop late last evening and I look up at a familiar face in an unfamiliar situation! Today's Question is........
What's your feeling when you witness someone you know completely out of character and your eyes lock with each other? Is it pain, is it Sorrow, or is it total disbelief?

I will open the discussion so you completely understand that this situation is NOT what you may think. In life, there are some things we should see, and there are some situations that need our assistance. Open your heart and let your voice be heard !!!!

H. Williams, MBA 
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater