Monday, July 2, 2012

"Update .... Temptation is Testing Me" - From January 30, 2012

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Mr. Anatomy,
(Please Use Link Above to Access Original Question)
Do you Remember me, "Tempted and Willing?" I was your blog question on January 30, 2012. I was just a lonely woman at home who wasn't getting her fill of what she needed, so I toyed around with the "Young Gun" from the mail room! Well, it's June now and a lot has changed. My husband and I are divorced. I got the house, my car, and half of most of our possessions. It was a reasonable split and it didn't get nasty. My husband had a secret life that was revealed in court and me and my youngster turned up the heat a bit. I have also been promoted to Vice President and I pulled "Young Gun" out of the mail room as he is now a "Young Executive" and doing well. I've asked him to move in several times, but his answer is the same, "Your husband is the (not gonna say it) and that is still scary for me!" My Question is.....

"Can a woman Propose Marriage to a guy?" It is the 21st Century and I think "Young Gun" is a bit intimidated by my success and power; not to mention, feeling compared to my former husband! 

Ms. Tempted and Willing, I remember you, oh boy do I remember you! I don't know whether to congratulate you or just hold my breath for the rest of the ride. Happiness comes in many different forms and you seem to have found what best suits you. I will allow my bloggers to address you first, then I will render my opinion. As always, stay available for any questions that may arise. 

Hurchel Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater (send US your Questions anonymously) (purchase OUR merchandise) (visit OUR website) (follow US on Twitter) (like US on Facebook)
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