Friday, March 9, 2012

Excited and Confused ..... Fri - Sat - Sunday .. Our Weekend Question ......

Mr. Anatomy, 
I have a "huge dilemma" and I could use some advice. I've been invited to take a weekend trip with my supervisor to Las Vegas. I have never been to Vegas and really want to go. The problem is, he has a girlfriend who I've met, but don't really know that well. He says it's over with them but my friend saw them out yesterday holding hands and being close. My Question is .......

Should I go to his girlfriend and ask her if their relationship is over before taking this cross country trip to Las Vegas? Or, should I stop being 'stuck up' and live a bit?

Well bloggers, here is one for you to ponder. I have my ideas, but I seriously wish you guys would chime in before I give it a go. Let me know what you think!

Hurchel Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater   (email US your Questions)  (purchase OUR merchandise)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Can I Walk Away ..... Mon ~ Tues ~ Wed ~ Question of the Day ......

Mr. Anatomy, 
My Question for you is serious. I am lost in a relationship that I no longer want to be in. I have been married for 16 years and the marriage has completely run its course. We are just taking up space in one another's life and I don't know how to get out. Please don't tell me to get counseling, or turn to my faith, none of  that will work. I want a loving relationship where I matter to a man again like I matter to myself. I want to feel like a teenager in love and not just a mother and housewife.  Everyone thinks we are so happy, but when the doors are closed, life sucks!! My question is ..........

How do I get out of a relationship that I've been in my whole adult life, without affecting my kids negatively? I want OUT now!! Please help Mr. Anatomy.

Wow, I feel the strong conviction of this question and although I've had it about a week, I wanted it to be the beginning of a week so our bloggers could face it with fresh thoughts. Women that have been in this situation, have at it. I will say my peace and clear the runway for others! 

Hurchel Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater     (email US your questions)   (purchase OUR merchandise)