Dear Mr. Anatomy,
I am living a lie and I really don't know how to get myself back to respectability. I have been living a life of celibacy and telling the guy that I've been dating that the reason we are not having sex is I am cleansing my life and walking with GOD! However, I am lying and I have been secretly seeing my ex boyfriend who lives down the street a few miles. My boyfriend visits and shortly after he leaves, my ex boyfriend stops by to "take care" of my needs. The other night, my boyfriend came back to give me money for lunch and he didn't call. My ex boyfriend ran toin my daughters room, and had to hide for over 2 hours until my boyfriend left. I feel so bad, but I am addicted to my ex but he has a woman and child. My question is......
"How do I handle this volatile situation before it boils over? My boyfriend is a great guy, but Mr. Anatomy, I have lost myself in physical sex and love!"
Ma'am, Mr. Anatomy never judges, just answers the questions that are before me. Volatile is definitely the correct word to use. From hence forward, your blog name is Ms. "No-Sex" and after my bloggers give you their opinion I will follow with my response. Please remain available for any questions my followers may have.
Hurchel Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater (send US your Questions anonymously) (purchase OUR merchandise) (visit OUR website) (follow US on Twitter) (like US on Facebook) (send US your Questions anonymously) (purchase OUR merchandise) (visit OUR website) (follow US on Twitter) (like US on Facebook)
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