Saturday, March 2, 2013

And YOU wonder why We do what We do .... Question of the Day?

To Comment on today's Question, Simply click on the word "Comments" below next to the number of comments and then, type in the white box!
Mr. Anatomy,
I come to you with a heavy heart because in life, you always want to feel you have change inside of you. My story; I went away on a white collar crime for the duration of about 18 months. While away, I did some soul searching and had a long walk with myself about my past transgressions with women. I am a "Preacher's Kid" that always found joy in the pleasure of not just one woman, but the honesty in dating multiples. After my short stint away, I decided I would have a new lease on life, find one woman, and make her my world. As advertised, I did just that. Got a great job, worked my way up the ladder, and asked a lady of my dreams to marry me and currently we are engaged. We have been dating for 2 years, but engaged for 1 and recently, my mindset took a left turn. I was asked to lead a team to open a new restaurant in the Midwest so I left my "Atl" roots for about a month, while I dug deep into my career. Fiance' and I had an understanding, as NOW, we actually live together under one roof. While I was away, it seems the "Cat" wanted to play. The other night, while assisting my heavily intoxicated fiance' into bed, I was a gent and plugged her phone up on charge for the evening. When I did, a message notification popped up from her (Lesbian) co-worker wishing her a good night. Well, I did what I had NEVER done before and dug a little deeper into previous text messages. Low and behold, one read, "Look at me talking to you like we have never "P-lucked" before! To which my lady answered, "Yes we did, and it was good, and YOU know it's yours to have again!" My first reaction was to awake my drunk fiance' and get to the bottom of this, but I sat there and stared at her for what seemed like an eternity! When I finally came to terms with this, and questioned her, she said, "I thought you would be Okay with it, shit, it was a girl!" And I thought, "yeah, a Butch, at that!" My question is ............
"Should I feel bad about awakening the sleeping GIANT in myself again? I tried it the right way, and it seems I was kicked in the nuts like a do-good-er!" I feel disrespected and Bitch-slapped! I am about to do me again!

Question Accepted.....You will now be referred to as "Mr. HURT!" Please remain available for any questions my bloggers may have of you! 
Hurchel Williams, MBA 
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater (send US your Questions anonymously) (purchase OUR merchandise) (visit OUR website) (follow US on Twitter) (like US on Facebook)
Send Your Friend Request to: "Author Hurchel Williams (MrAnatomy)on Facebook.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

It wasn't Even About Me........Naughty or Nice! Question of the Day...

To Comment on today's Question, Simply click on the word "Comments" below next to the number of comments and then, type in the white box!
Dear Mr. Anatomy,
I had an amazing weekend where your slogan, "Adults do what Adults want to do" came into play. I traveled out of town to work and do some training. Lately, my life has been a microcosm of one up and down after another. I am a young person who has had to grow up and be a woman in every sense of the word. My relationship, while less than perfect, is just that, my relationship and somewhere between I-Do, and playing housewife, I have lost the very essence of how a woman should feel. Today, I played sexy-bad-gurl and I feel wonderful about it. In the course of 24 hours, I was in bed with 2 different men, neither of which were my husband and for once in my life, I feel rejuvenated! One man was a co-worker from a different area, while the other was an important VIP I know from the community. The first may have been expected because of innocent flirting that finally blossomed into an evening, but the other took me by surprise because it wasn't supposed to happen with this stoic, poker faced individual......but was WONDERFUL on all accounts. I guess my question is,

"Should a person ever have to make excuses for what happens in their life? While I don't ever expect this weekend to be repeated. Is there a lesson to be learn from my walk on the wild side?"

Ma'am, as always, I would like to thank you for bringing your question to our forum. I have an answer for you, but not before my bloggers give you an intuitive spin on your question. From hence forward, I will address you as "Mrs. Attention" as we discuss this openly and look for an answers to your question.

Hurchel Williams, MBA 
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater (send US your Questions anonymously) (purchase OUR merchandise) (visit OUR website) (follow US on Twitter) (like US on Facebook)
Send Your Friend Request to: "Author Hurchel Williams (MrAnatomy)on Facebook.