Mr. Anatomy,
I have a really quick question that holds true for so many. While looking in the eyes of my significant other, I saw her dedication to make me feel better in so many ways. I saw her passion to hold me and protect me in ways others haven't. I saw the true desire for someone to love another more than they love thyself. Whether intimacy, friendly joking, or simply comforting me through touch; Come on People, let's talk about if you have ever had that someone. My question to her was ..........
"Who Are You?" Am I dreaming, or is this just a season and maybe this type of admiration will change? Tell me Mr. Anatomy, is this real?
Sir, I will pose this question to the masses on my blog. In life, we do find someone we are compatible with, but well, let's just hold off on that response until my bloggers have spoken. I like what you have started Mr. Sensitive! Let's have fun with this one!
Artwork by:
Hurchel Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater (send US your Questions anonymously) (purchase OUR merchandise) (visit OUR website) (follow US on Twitter) (like US on Facebook) (send US your Questions anonymously) (purchase OUR merchandise) (visit OUR website) (follow US on Twitter) (like US on Facebook)
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