Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Different Direction ......... A Question of Sincere Pain of Others ........

Today will take us off guard, just as the situation caught me off guard. I was sitting in a coffee shop late last evening and I look up at a familiar face in an unfamiliar situation! Today's Question is........
What's your feeling when you witness someone you know completely out of character and your eyes lock with each other? Is it pain, is it Sorrow, or is it total disbelief?

I will open the discussion so you completely understand that this situation is NOT what you may think. In life, there are some things we should see, and there are some situations that need our assistance. Open your heart and let your voice be heard !!!!

H. Williams, MBA 
Life Coach, Motivational Relationship Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater


  1. Last night, I stepped out with an old friend who I haven't seen in over 14 years. Caught up in the conversation of missed years, we truly were engulfed by our absence. Well, while in this situation, sitting directly behind us was a gentleman that literally watched me grow from a young boy to a thriving young man. I haven't seen this individual since I was a teen. Well, the shocking part was....."he was homeless, dressed as a beggar!" My heart dropped, "how, why," I thought to myself. All I wanted to do is give this man the world, as his stories of life once gave me as a child! He recognized me first, shook my hand, and then broke down in tears! My body quivered as all I could do was fight my own tears back! Life has beat him, the situation has won! As I gave him money, and held his hand, I asked, "where will you be when I come to town again?" In his frail and fragile state, the words came to his mouth, "I sleep under the bridge at I-40 and Highway 64!" I repeat, the hardships of life have won! Share your feelings !!!!
    H. Williams, MBA

  2. I feel all the above and great compassion wondering what I can do to help!! I would do all that was in my power to help someone out and those things that were not in my power I would seek to find someone else to help with those. Then the rest I would have to leave in the hands of the Almighty!! He will definitely be in my prayers Hurchel!!!

  3. Alan Norfleet said ...
    Wow... Thank God for allowing us to make good choices and Prayers from our Parents, shielded n protected us!! Let's continue to pray for that brother and let your light shine. #beblessed

  4. Terethia Michelle Mabone said...
    I would do everything I could to help him get back on his feet.

  5. Cindy Hall Penn Hubbard said.....
    I don't know the situation but there has to be some way to help him get back on his feet! Where there is a will there is a way. Hopefully he has not lost his will!!!!

  6. Undone work is fame unclaimed.....seeing this brother in his state of being poses the questions how? Why? What happened? He may have has an event that changed his life and made him quit. Don't know but I'm sure has a lot of talent left to give... Anatomy that was honorable and hope he is inspired

  7. This song talks about us as Christians reaching out to those who need our help just like this gentleman mentioned above and not judging. We are God's arm, legs, feet, and hands in the world. We should be helping the less fortunate. I have always been taught that it is better to be a giver than a receiver. Much too often we judge those less fortunate than us rather than praying to see how we could best help them. As you help others, they are blessed as well as you. Blessings work both ways!!! Please think about how you could to join in to help this gentleman.

    We Are The Body by Casting Crowns

    It's crowded in worship today
    As she slips in trying to fade into the faces
    The girls teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
    Farther than they know
    But if we are the body
    Why aren't His arms reaching?
    Why aren't His hands healing?
    Why aren't His words teaching?
    And if we are the body
    Why aren't His feet going?
    Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
    There is a way
    A traveler is far away from home
    He sheds his coat and quietly sinks into the back row
    The weight of their judgmental glances
    Tells him that his chances are better out on the road
    Jesus paid much too high a price
    For us to pick and choose who should come
    And we are the body of Christ
    Jesus is the way
