Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Question of the Day.....

With all the success from yesterday, let's keep that fire burning. So, we talked about scratching itches, Now, answer this......

What's the furthest you have ever traveled to get your itch scratched? In Ebonics (how far did you travel to get you Some?) AND ....... When you got there, was it WORTH it? 

The only rules I have is keep it REAL and Keep it SEXY! Ready, set......BLOG ! 

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Speaker
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater


  1. I have traveled 8 hours to get my itch taking care of...I stayed 3 days and 3 nights with my scratcher. He was so WORTH the trip. It was FIRE! Ready for MORE!!

  2. 25 minutes. Fast accessibility is a requirement.

  3. Babegirl,

    It sounds likes to me you have tremendous admiration for this guy. Amazing, it's good to know guys still make us wiggle in our boots to get to them. He has my "Kudos" for a job well done. I hate to ask BUT, if he was your itch scratch-er, that probably means he wasn't your main squeeze. How did you explain your 3 day 3 night absence if you are involved with someone else. Fill us in, inquiring minds want to KNOW!
    Thanks for Sharing....
    H. Williams, MBA

  4. Antamica,

    I get the fast access as a requirement, but does that mean it was "Wham - BAM - Holla atcha Ma'am" too? Let us know, we need details as to if it was worth the 25 minute hike!
    Thanks for Sharing,
    H. Williams, MBA

  5. Tremendous admiration for him I do have. He doesn't know the half of it. His job was very well done. The time I was with him I was suppose to somewhere else. Same distance but in a different direction. Planning an another trip to get him.

  6. Good Morning Bloggers,
    Furthest I have ever traveled was 6hrs. He was my main squeeze and it was a long distance relationship and it was good enough that I was making that trip once a month. Aside from the main squeeze never traveled more that local for a real itch scratcher cause I completely agree with Antamica fast access is necessary. And most that serve their purpose are "Wham - BAM - Holla atcha Ma'am" situations. No need to cuddle or hang around. More of a what time are you going home? agreement. no sleeping over type deal.

  7. THANKS for the follow up Babegirl.
    Keep it moving and make sure you always let your itch-scratch-ers know their worth. We live in a world where communication is key to keep our associations fruitful.
    Have a great day and thanks for Sharing,
    H. Williams, MBA

  8. Tameka,
    You make is seem like a straight business arrangement in the ladder of your response; Damn Playa!!! (lol) You and Antamica ain't playing, "Y'all don't luv dem (male) hoes, do ya! (just kidding) Just do me, and keep it moving, don't leave nothing over here 'cause at anytime this association can be severed!
    6hrs huh, you, like Babegurl, had an agenda. I am compelled to ask though, as you were traveling the hiqhways and bi-ways, what were you doing to entertain yourself or is the momentum so strong, you are all excited and giddy inside? Let us know, fill us in. AND, were you, like Babegurl, always fulfilled?
    Talk to us, let us know Girlie!
    Thanks for Sharing,
    H. Williams, MBA

  9. Yes straight business. Men do it all the time with that excuse we are physical and we can have sex and it mean nothing. I know science would make you beleive that this is not possible for a female but everything in life is about your mind set. I grew up with only brothers so back then sex was just that, it did not equate love or intimacy unless I wanted it to. I was not nor have I ever been anything like a hoe but I could and still can tell the difference between the two.
    During my travel the sheer anticipation was enough to motivate me to travel 6hrs after working a full 8hr shift. I was in love so I was I was fulfilled because it was much more than sex. But as for sex alone it was like any other relationship you have good and bad times. But I think I made the most of it everytime because it was so sporatic.
    I can say that I am not interested in ever participating in a long distance relationship again. Realtionships are hard enough then add distance it can be almost impossible depending on the time spend apart. But different strokes for different folks.

  10. Be in a long distance relationship is really hard. Going the distance I went for my guy showed I was in love with him and he was more to me then just my itch scratcher. Will I go the distance for him again yes I would because he's so very WORTH it for me.

  11. Tameka,

    We don't label anything, there are no Hoes, whores, lesbians or anything like that, so we look as if it was just satisfaction on another level. I think you are right about anticipation being the leading factor of you feeling motivated and whole as you traveled, however, for me, the return trip, while the fast part, always felt lonely. .... I'm just sayin!
    Thanks for Sharing,
    H. Williams, MBA

  12. Very true about return trip.

  13. HMMM ... itch scratcher and travel….? Because of job requirements both then and now I’ve traveled 12-14 driving hours or more (but I flew). I have had it both good and bad. For the good I’ve traveled about a 4 hour flight and it was worth ... so much so she quit her job moved from N. Carolina to Texas to be with me (she was minister for a woman’s correctional facility, Yep the cloth gets down too...LOL!). I am sure there are a lot of questions surrounding that comment and I will answer that which I am asked, but to add a little more curiosity YES she was bi-sexual and she had many mix emotions about her desires she use to say, “I let her be her without judging” this was my second time into the world of bi-sexual women for some reason my laid back attitude attracts them. Life is too short so why stress the small stuff. I got in where I fit in a reap the benefits ;-).the worst was just about a hour or so... (That ride back was long...LOL... and trying to find a gentleman’s excuse for breaking camp was a headache...LOL!)

  14. Tameka, it is interesting that the things you apply to men are some of the same things you do… does two wrong make a right? Or is it that in some way you envy what men do? I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the sense to your madness but as grandma would say, “if I jump off a bridge are you going to do it’? I actually think in some way you like the ability to be in control… is that the issue,? Releasing the “in control factor”?

  15. The purpose of a situation like this is to basically get serviced without any bs. If I am not giving you mess, don't give me any. If I travel anywhere more than once, it is worth it trust. He was worth all 25 of them minutes!

  16. Antamica... so is it fair to say, that it's ok when men do the same?... why complain if men do it or if the lines get gray? is what it is... how it starts should be how it finishes. If it doesn't then remember it takes two to tango..Just saying……

  17. Justyes,
    Two wrongs do not make a right but I never said men were wrong for doing what they do. They only do what women let them and vice versa women do the same. But in this situation it is frowned upon when the roles are reversed. I in no way envy men. They do what they want and I do not use them to justify my actions. I do what I want and in that way some would think my mentality is that of a male but I am all female and do not protray anything but. I do like being in control. And the things I can control is myself, my feelings, my actions. A lot of my friends let others(whether male/female) control their feelings and actions. for example I cant tell him/her I love him/her until he/she tells me. Or a perfect example holding on to a relationship because the other party will not provide closure. I refuse. And if that is releasing the "in control factor" then so beit. ;-)

  18. @Justyes I am sure that I have not complained about what men do on here at all. If a man is honest with me about what is going on, it is MY choice to proceed and if that is indeed the case, then why would I complain? The keywords are honesty and choice. If a man tells me I am his woman and does that then I will complain based on it being a lie. An arrangement between two consenting adults is one thing but if one or both is lying, it becomes an issue. As far as expectations go, it is safest to have none because we really can't say what will happen in the future, no man (mankind) can.

  19. Tameka, what constitutes the release of control…, when you think you won’t get hurt or when he say, “I Love You first…” In my opinion both are the same you want to control what happens and never allow yourself to be open to being hurt … In one case it is good … screw the crap out of him and move on, but in cases where,.. MAY and I mean MAY be something more you still want to hear, “I love you” from him first. Yet after that I it still strongly believe in your mind you still think, “I got him and I am in control”. Again this is my opinion … This attitude will get you hurt even quicker. For example, Most men will figure out that is where your mind is, “we all are not stupid ;-)” and never truly take you serious. Men will take the road of,” I am gonna hit this for as long as it last then I am out”… but I know she wants me to say, “I love you” so I will give her what she wants and let her think she running something…. And as soon as we see you open that lock we say, GOTCHA. We are hunter’s, trappers etc. it comes natural to men. You may have learn many things from your brothers but as you say, YOU’RE ALL WOMAN. Because of that I think the two (man in you, woman in you) compromises ……..and you will never truly, “GIVE IN”;-)

  20. Antamica... I like your open mind regarding that... refreshing...

  21. Ok Just Yes
    I am so confused by your reply. My "love you first" example was just that, an example. I do not put myself in a position to be hurt and I never said I dont open myself up to being hurt. I am strictly refering to itch scratcher scenerios. It is what it is, never get the lines crossed that is where the problems come in. I dont run game I only know how to keep thing 100 and if it is a itch scratching call then best believe we both know what the deal is. I dont leave room for misinterpretation. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I did learn alot from my brother and my father and not necessarily about running game. More of how men think and react. I am all woman so there are not two. No comprimise. I have no problem giving in to a real relationship that is not the topic of discussion.

  22. Tameka...LOL! this is true... but i wanted to pick your brain ... this is a learning experience and i intend to learn..;-)

  23. Just Yes, while I am just sitting down to do the popcorn and analysis thing, something you said really caught my eye. When you said "the hardest part was finding an excuse to leave!" That is sooo awkward and you find yourself sitting there and what she saying to you sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher. Waonnnn Wooannn Wooooon wan! And you simply smile, grin and bear it and either hit it again before the journey, or say, you know what, it's getting late. I "CAME" I conquered, and now I must leave! No hard feelings, Right?
    Thanks Just Yes for your wayward approach to life and keeping it 1 hundred!
    H. Williams, MBA

  24. THANKS ANATOMY ... this is a great place to be honest and vent... great idea!

  25. Anatomy... The "hit it again" usually depends on if I think I have to listen to more of the "Waonnnn"...LOL! just being real.. ;-)

  26. Ahhhh Just Yes....I see your comments and I'm starting to question if you are really "all female" or simply a man hiding behind the name.... :) Control is only received by those who allow themselves to be controlled...We (women or men) aren't there should be no need for anyone to be strung along)..It shouldn't take all of the game playing to see who says what first in order to determine if someone's feelings are real. When will the shit ever stop? Probably never..Bottom line is before you even step in the water to get your itch scratched, make sure there is a complete understanding on both is what it is and move around..this is why men and women cheat with someone that is already taken because not too much is required from the outside parties and no obligations are needed. Women are emotional creatures, so everything we feel comes from deep within (internal)...When we feel a certain way for someone special, we allow them into the intermost places within us (mind, body, etc) and they touch us like never before..We think, process and rationalize.....Men think externally, often because what lies within them is released externally without any thought process whatsoever (usually)<<<<and this is the explanation of sex......#dammitimjustsayin.... lol

  27. @ Anatomy, a wham, bam, holla atcha later hmmmm? Well I am trying to maintain my ladylike demeanor while answering honestly. Truth is we had an adult arrangement and the purpose of the meeting is to satisfy a carnal pleasure. If I am heated, I want it handled ASAP. The Mister I was with was never the wham, bam, type. I can't speak for him as to why. He was 12 years older, maybe he was raised to treat a woman a certain way or maybe he was just true to the game and did it to keep me coming back not sure and don't really care. The treatment and him putting it down kept me coming back.

  28. I'm lovin it @Antamica!!

  29. Author… Not sure what you are saying, actually it appears your thought process is all over the place but let me interject … One… I am a Male… Two…Just Yes stand for the 2 sides of me… Just Yes is all I want to hear them (them refers to… , more than one woman at a time) say when it’s time to put it down..LOL! And on my spiritual side it belongs to a song by Shekinah Glory that brought me to my senses. It’s funny how the compromise works within me. Most of my comments surround my relationship with bi-sexual women. I like them they are honest (at least most are) that world is full of what you see isn’t always what you get … you have to learn to read the signs. Case and Point … when a woman looks at you across the room she doesn’t scream HEY,I WANT YOU TO DIG UP IN IT. Sometimes it’s a smile and the raise of an I brow. I have learn to read body language … it never lies. Again these are not absolutes just examples. To be honest I personal don’t want to define what it is upfront (might be so good I don’t want to just get up…LOL) unless a woman is insistent on defining it. Control is not always ALLOWED … this is a trick don’t fall for it. Control can be taken!!! In any situation if not slavery would still be hear…but on a sexual note anyone can be fooled into thinking they are in control… case and point many women say, “ I just make him think he is in charge but I run this…” and many times its true. He really thinks he is in control yet just a puppet….

  30. Control is something we either give or take depending on our needs at the time. If you are in a physical relationship of any type that shift in power is what keeps it interesting. The addition of travel time gives each partner an opportunity to start on the sexual adventure before the act begins especially for women who are more mental.

  31. Just Yes...My thought process is quite clear and actually it's where I feel it needs to be, it just depends on who interprets what I am saying...#next

    @the Last Anonymous...I totally agree!!

  32. Anonymous... Author... I can appreciate your opinion. But a great man once said, "power does not concede without a demand" Anonymous, if you take something then it is not your chose which is my point. Author since I was the one your question was directed at I would hope you would want me to understand the question and/or comment... I am here to offer my opinion and receive opinions. I haven't walked in your shoes so I value your opinion... I just disagree with it.

  33. Kim Hill "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 8:08 PM

    You all have raised some interesting conversations and I have been quite intrigued. I would like to touch on the control aspect of relationships. We all know in a relationship it should be a joint venture and while there should not be one that dominates the other, control is given to the person that typically dominates the relationship. I have been married for 21 years and yes we have our ups and downs, but at some point be will both agree to disagree. There is no "I" in team and we share some common grounds with each other. There are times when my better half is controlling siutations and there are times when I am controlling the situation, but we each pick and choose our battles. Yes it's true one would like to control or dominate the relationship and it does happen, but for the most part "We" are in this together. I love him and he loves me, but I am the boss, cause I hold it down and I am always willing to take one for the team.

  34. Kim, interesting comment was your hubby your "scratch" at any point in your relationship? If this question causes confusion I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOUR REFUSAL TO ANSWER.... I agree with your statement marriage is a level one day I hope to obtain. Till then I hope I get it right when the right person...ARRIVES....

  35. Kim Hill - "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 8:22 PM

    JustYes - my husband has been my scratch since I was 14 yrs old and 5 children later. Don't get me wrong cause the spices have changed over time, but we are always looking for ways to change things. We still get our "freak on" like everyone else, but at this point in my life he completes me and I complete him. I am beyond the worrying phase of what he does when I am not with him, cause I sure as hell can't miss what I can't measure, meaning I can't measure the amount he puts out in a cup...LOL. All in all I feel like I am his scratch and he is mine and believe me, we both itch all the time.

  36. LOL!!! Kim I feel the love through the bandwidth ;-) and I am jealous ;-). It is refreshing to hear a woman speak so well of the love of their life.

  37. Kim Hill - "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 8:30 PM

    Overall I speak well of him, but there are definitely times that "he gets on my F&#@ing nerves" and I am sure I get on his too, but we did not come this far to give up what we have accomplished together. My marriage is not a fairly tell and I will be ther first to admit that, and that is when I view it outside the box and just breathe, grin and bear it. Thanks for feedback.

  38. I like to think the bonding comes from those "get on my F&#@ing nerves times". If it was easy then everyone could do well. And we would have less divorce. So 5 stars for being an example to those (me) that think marriage is a big joke (sometimes) hard work pays off... Cheers to you... now hook me up with you single friends...LOL! just kidding...;-)

  39. Thanks for sharing Kim
    It is nice to see a happy marriage.

  40. Kim Hill - "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 8:45 PM

    JustYes it is actually good to see a man on the blog and interacting with everyone. You have made some strong and valid points. I am sure you will find your "itch scratcher" soon enough cause you are not one-sided it appears you view things from both sides of the perspective. Good mingling with you...keep the talk going!

  41. Kim Hill - "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 8:46 PM

    Tameka thanks, but who said anything about being happy...just kidding! There are some struggles, but it's real and that is all I need.

  42. Kim Hill - "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 8:48 PM

    JustYes, got that single "itch scratcher" for you...LOL

  43. Thank you Kim... and very good friend told me about this page and I am so enjoying it;-)

  44. Kim Hill - "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 8:51 PM

    Anatomy...question for you? Can you share with us some of what anatomy you must possess or the type build one has to be labeled a cheater????

  45. Kim - "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 8:55 PM

    Soooo...JustYes you need to invite more friends because we can all indulge in the festivities...I like being able to talk and interact with others to get insight. Make sure you are here Friday night for 11/11/11 @ 11.....

  46. Hi everyone, good talks tonite!

  47. Hey Kim,

    Thanks for your question, I will do my best to address your issue. To be labeled a cheater, I feel (my opinion), you must have a blatant disregard for anyone's feelings but your own. You get so good at it, that you are able to spin it like, "Hey, it's OK," as long as no one is getting hurt, and all parties are fine with your "multiples" your narcissism takes over and tell you, "Hey Brah" its all about you and the world has to deal with it. It becomes less about feeling and more about the right of Conquer! When I was single and wasn't married, I always told myself, "I ain't married to no one, so I can keep it moving." It wasn't until I was older, I started to question my own rationale. However, women fed into my ego by letting me have the "Coming to America" ego and fanned my fire, so to say!
    I sincerely hope this helps Kim. Thanks for the question. I'm here to teach, reach, and use my life as an example to others; they can peer deep inside and see the distance between perception of one's self, and drastic - poignant behavior!
    H. Williams, MBA

  48. Kim- "Keeing it Real"November 9, 2011 at 9:21 PM

    Anatomy very well versed. I have seen people cheat in relationships and they both are doing it, so why wouldn't they just become swingers and that way they know who the other one is with? Just a thought...

  49. Kim... I have lived in the swinger lifestyle... and have a loving relationship is key .. in fact the good ones will not even let you participate if they feel there isn't trust( it doesn't take long to see it)

  50. Kim - "Keeping it Real"November 9, 2011 at 9:38 PM

    I was just curious. I knew a couple that were swingers and if they did not agree on the person then it was a no-go. I asked her why he would not agree and she stated, "if it is a person he feels she could become attached too, then they would move on to find another person." I guess swingers share a bit of "open relationship" per say.

  51. Kim....
    the swinger lifestyle is far fetched and is not for the faint of heart!! I have seen men and women lose all respect for one another because there is One Cardinal Rule: All Parties have to stay busy! Action has to start at the same time and finish at the same time. Any other result, will cause serious friction from one side or the other! (I'm just sayin) Think about it, you just finished getting tapped, and your hubby, significant other, or Main Man, is still clowning. You like, "hey lil cuzzin" can you be wrapping that up, I got work in the morning!
    Again, I'm just sayin, Somebody told me!!! (smile)
    H. Williams, MBA

  52. That makes complete sense. So then what JustYes is saying is absolutely true. There has to be trust and a loving relationship. If one can not trust the other then it ain't gone happen.

  53. Kim,

    You have to love your partner beyond belief, (if she is truly your woman or sole mate) otherwise, you opening a can of worms that is forever exposed. You know how women are, they are forever creatures of thought, purpose, and feeling. You have to discuss ever aspect, like, "you can't kiss her, you can't do this or that," because that is special to you and I. The rules have to be set in stone!
    Thanks for sharing,
    H. Williams, MBA

  54. Yes and No Kim... some like watching and will join in especially women. If your new to it yes it can be a little frustrating at first, this is were rules are good until you become comfortable. And even then rules are needed. True swingers are very caring and understand this is only a need and want there "partner" to participate it raises the orgasm. Role play helps too... ;-)

  55. Ok here's some realness on that from me. I am faint at heart and way too jealous to swing. If he is MINE, no sharing boo-boo! I'm like a kid Imma lick him so you don't want him no

  56. How many of y'all are still here. Count to TEN and refresh your screen.......Boo Yow! She's done it again. Tomorrow is all about the follows. I need all the fellas to step up and be accounted for!
    Let's do it big!!

    H. Williams, MBA

  57. Antamica... what if there are men there that want some of you...?

  58. LOL...Antamica..too funny but I am too very selfish and what's mine is mine and I don't care to share certain things that are mine. That is why I do what it takes to take the idea out the equation...thanks for your comments

  59. Anatomy and JustYes it seems the two of you agree that this is tough and takes some sort of committment from both...

  60. OK, For Y'all, what do ya think! Boo Yow!!!!
    it's POSTED and up! Tomorrow's format is all about y'all!

  61. Thirsty Thursday looks like it is gonna be hot...I will definitely be in the "hizous"....any takers???

  62. I am already there .... awaiting answers...

  63. JustYes you are in huh?? LOL

  64. @Justyes When I am with a man that wants to be mine and I am his. I am faithful completely. My body, mind, and everything else is his until we are over. My goodies become his goodies.

  65. Paging JustYes...over the intercom...I'm missing you...

  66. Anatamica,

    You are extremely honest and forward. That is what this is all about. You, Just YES, Kim, Tameka, Latoya, etc are the flagships that keep us rolling. Tomorrow is a travel day for me. If you follow me on Facebook, you will see my endeavors. Monday and Thursdays are days I am in the Friendly skies, so y'all gotta keep it real for me until I land!
    Ya Feel me......
    H. Williams, MBA

  67. Antamica,

    They moved the conversation over to the Thirsty Thursday banner thing! Go over there. They are going HAM!
    H. Williams, MBA

  68. Antamica I got you..I'll be one of the ones holding it safe!!
