Monday, November 14, 2011

Question of the Day..........

It's Monday everyone! Time to dust off the cob-webs from the weekend, and start fresh on a new week of discussions. I sincerely appreciate all of you that have made this blog a success. Remember, I can't do it without you. Thanks.......and with that said, Today's Question is .......

Has intimacy (sex) ever made you call in, go to work late, or leave early; when you knew, it was for NO other reason but a "booty call?" IF so, let us hear it and explain why this was the case. 

For me, let's just say I was young, care free and got a call that she was passing through town!! Only here for an hour or so to refuel!

Keep it honest, keep it entertaining, and keep it 100% real.

H. Williams, MBA
Life Coach, Motivational Speaker,
Author, Anatomy of a Cheater
Follow me on Twitter 


  1. I can honestly say this has happened to me, but it was because I was up early and got busy. I was so worn out and tired, that I knew that I would not function well at work at all that day. I decided to stay home for the day and re-coup.

  2. OMG YES!! This beautiful female and I worked together and she would often do little things for me...get water, bring me papers, etc...there was a lot of sexual tension there....So...unbeknownst to me, there was an office pool going around to see if I could win this female over, or basically get her into bed....well, needless to say, 1wk later, she and I had sex, fucked, made love and all in between...and we were like 3hrs late for work...

  3. To both of the Anonymous, I am glad to see people are truly honest with how their past history effects present reality. My motivation for that question was personal and I always like to see I am not the only person who acts human when the opportunity presents itself. Humans act on impulse and emotions so if the body says yes, the brain says Hell Yes! Deprive the physical long enough and it's just like sleep deprivation, your body will fill it's own need and seek what it needs even if it means taking off work or stealing some time away. Fast forward, life stays current; figure that one out! You have just been given a riddle!
    Thanks for sharing,
    H. Williams, MBA

  4. We devoured each other for lunch today... & sexted for the remainder of the work day. Let's just say work was a bust.

  5. Latoya,

    Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? Some days, just to keep your sanity, you must lose some time somewhere, in this case, it just happens to be work who has to give up your time. I am so sure that at some point, you gave those few minutes back, right!

    Thanks Latoya for Sharing,
    H. Williams, MBA
